We typically do a good job of podcasting via Skype, but the best results come from when we are all in person. Thankfully we had the opportunity while taking care of business in St. Louis this past weekend. If I had my druthers, we’d record in person all the time, but that could only happen if we managed to organize that board game compound we’ve talked about for the longest time. One day, maybe – but, for now, we’ll settle for the joy of looking each other in the eye while we record for special occasions, even if they are few and far between. We hope you all enjoy one of those special times like this.
Links to important things mentioned on the podcast:
Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective
TC Petty III’s Designer Ego blog (with Don’t Get Eated print-and-play)
Please visit our new game store! You can now find all the Dice Hate Me Games titles at the Greater Than Games store!
And, finally:
The Dice Hate Me Games Newsletter! Sign up for the best in behind-the-scenes goodness from our hearts to yours.
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